In accordance with Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, the Spanish Space Agency (AEE), as a state agency, is committed to making all relevant public information available to citizens.
Transparency is a core value for the AEE that permeates all activities and areas of the organisation. Good governance, management and excellence, trust, reputation and credibility rely on transparency in management.
For more information on the AEE in accordance with Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, please submit a request:
- Electronically through the Transparency Portal of the General State Administration.
- In person at a Registration Assistance Office (OAMR), stating on the application that you are invoking Law 19/2013.
- By ordinary post by sending a written request, together with a photocopy of your national ID or passport, addressed to the General Secretary of the AEE, Edificio CREA, Calle José Galán Merino 6, 41015 Seville. Please indicate clearly on the envelope "Consultation Law 19/2013".