A general aim of the Spanish Space Agency (AEE) is the state and international coordination of space policy and programmes in which Spain participates. As such, it is essential to maintain coordination and defence of national interests in organisations in which Spain is represented. Therefore, there must be full coordination between the European Space Agency and the space policies and programmes developed in the European Union and the international organisations of which Spain is a member.
The space programmes managed and/or promoted by the Spanish Space Agency are key assets in several areas and economic sectors, including energy, climate, environment, security and defence, health, agriculture and food policy, transport, tourism, digital market and mobile communications, regional policy and local planning.
The Spanish Space Agency carries out the following functions under the Directorate for Programmes and Industry:
- Promotion, management and coordination of a National Space Programme and technical and economic monitoring of existing programmes.
- Coordination of Spain's participation in the ESA's mandatory and optional programmes and international or multilateral programmes in the space sector.
- Management of industrial returns in the programmes managed by the Spanish Space Agency involving the purchase of space systems abroad.
- Promotion of the downstream sector, with a particular focus on the creation of new technology-based companies or start-ups in the applications sector, and promotion of the private investment ecosystem in the space sector.
- Preparation, in conjunction with other departments, of a catalogue of strategic technological and industrial capabilities in the field of space systems and their applications.
The Directorate for Programmes and Industry, the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation and the Directorate for Users, Services and Applications will work together to prioritise AEE-managed programmes based on the interests of industry, research entities and users.
The AEE will promote an ecosystem of private investment in the space sector, including, but not limited to, technology funds, venture capital and investors in emerging companies, thereby preventing the loss of opportunities and supporting organisations that have these models, as well as the entire Spanish industrial and business sector and start-ups, ensuring the protection of intellectual and industrial property and creating a climate of trust between investors and promoting institutions.