The Spanish Space Agency aims to promote science, innovation and technology related to space in European and international excellence.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Division is responsible for R&D&I and technological developments in all fields of the space sector. It is responsible for:

  • Promoting and developing space technologies and incorporating R&D&I programmes at all stages of the value chain.
  • Fostering scientific research in the field of space and promoting programmes to enhance scientific and technological knowledge of space.
  • Coordinating ESA science programmes, including the Science programme and the corresponding element of the Earth Observation and Exploration programmes.
  • Coordinating ESA technological development programmes, in particular the GSTP, TRP and InCubed programmes.
  • Managing public aid award procedures for research, technological development and space innovation and ensuring the availability of publicly owned strategic infrastructures for the development, operation and applications of space programmes.
  • Promoting programmes to increase scientific and technological knowledge in the field of space.
  • Collaborating with universities, public research organisations, and other public institutions and companies to promote the commercial exploitation of state-of-the-art technologies
  • Fostering collaboration between industry and research organisations.
  • Supporting the creation and consolidation of space technology-based companies.
  • Supporting the manufacture of pre-series products and the marketing of new products and processes, especially in foreign markets.
  • Promoting Spanish participation in international space science and technology cooperation programmes, as well as pursuing appropriate scientific, technological and industrial returns from these programmes.
  • Developing programmes to promote innovation in the Spanish space industry, with particular support for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Preparing, monitoring and maintaining the technological maturity map of national space technologies.

Coordinating with science, technology and innovation organisations to pool the interests of all stakeholders in the sector.

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO Registrar, gestionar y tramitar las consultas, quejas y sugerencias formuladas al Ministerio por la ciudadanía.
BASE JURÍDICA Artículo 6.1.c) del RGPD: el tratamiento es necesario para el cumplimiento de una obligación legal aplicable al responsable del tratamiento.
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