The exploration activities in which Spain participates are conducted primarily in two different configurations:

  • The Human and Robotic Exploration Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA).
  • Bilateral exploration programmes between Spain and other countries.

Bilateral exploration programmes are programmes in which Spain engages in direct cooperation with another country with a view to participating in joint space exploration missions. This collaboration typically entails entering into a bilateral agreement with the space agency of the country involved (NASA in the USA, CNES in France, Roscosmos in Russia, ASI in Italy, JAXA in Japan, etc.). The aim is to participate in missions of common interest by sharing the significant investments required to carry out these missions. To date, Spain has participated in bilateral exploration programmes through contributions by Spanish entities of scientific instruments and equipment for missions led by other agencies.

These bilateral programmes have funded activities with NASA (participation in the Mars Science Laboratory, Insight and Mars 2020 missions), CNES (PRISMA) and Roscosmos (Karmen, WSO). Activities are currently in progress with NASA for the Mars 2020 mission (high-gain antenna system [HGAS] and MEDA instrument) and Roscosmos (WSO-UV camera sensor and WSO ground segment).

A major project has been the development of the TWINS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) instrument for NASA's InSight mission. TWINS, based on REMS technology and equipment, will monitor the environmental conditions on Mars (wind strength and direction and air temperature).

Similarly, it has been developing a high-gain antenna system (HGAS) for the NASA Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover mission.

With an eye to the future, through the Spanish Space Agency, Spain has signed an agreement with NASA to join the ARTEMIS programme, aiming to enable humankind to set foot on the Moon again.

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